The GFFE is excited to award the CNC Laser Grant to Technology Education Teacher
Nicholas Ripa at the Guilford High School. The CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
Laser Grant will allow for the purchase of the BOSS Laser HP-3655, offering high
school students access to advanced technology.
The Guilford High School stage will never be the same, as students’ creativity and
vision will have no limitations. Students will design on the computer, send their
creations to the laser cutter, which will then use a high energy light beam to custom cut
set props from various types of materials.
The awarded grant will greatly add to the students’ learning experiences not only in
Theater Technology and Design classes, but also in other STEM courses, like Physics,
Robotics and Engineering. In addition to creating a variety of meaningful and
educational projects, students will gain real life experience with CAD (Computer Aided
Design) programs, design software and material processing.
Teachers are very excited about the addition of the laser cutter because so many
classes will benefit. “Laser cutting will further expand the Drafting and Design curriculum
by allowing students to create rapid prototypes. Students will be able to design and
program parts using the current drafting software, then they will use the laser to produce
them. Having a tangible product will allow students to physically assess and test their
product and revise if necessary,” states GHS Technology teacher Tom Schaefer.
Physics teacher Luke Rosnick plans to incorporate a prototyping project into his Physics
Thank you Nicholas Ripa for your vision and dedication to the students and programs at
Guilford High School!
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