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Guilford High School: Trout in the Classroom Program
Samantha Chiappa, Guilford High School, was awarded a grant to create The Trout in the Classroom Program. This program will connect students to their local watershed through a hands-on, engaging classroom activity that then carries over into field work in the local ecosystem
Guilford High School: Summer Course
George Cooksey, Guilford High School, was awarded a grant to attend the AP Language and Composition Course at the AP Summer Institute in St. Johnsbury, VT.
Guilford High School
Susan Lott, GHS, was awarded a grant to attend the New England Young Writers Conference at Breadloaf, Middlebury College.
A.W. Cox
Kate Summerlin, A.W. Cox was awarded a grant to attend the “Telling Stories – Investigating Community History” workshop at The Summer Workshop in Grafton VT.
A.W. Cox: Mindfulness Techniques Program
A.W. Cox School was awarded a grant that funds the training of several teachers in mindfulness techniques. The goal of the program is to increase students engagement and focus on their learning through practicing mindfulness strategies. Mindfulness has many well-documented impacts including a reduction in stress, improvement in self-regulation and management, focus and executive functioning.
Shoreline Arts Alliance
The Shoreline Arts Alliance​ was awarded a grant to produce an autistic friendly performance of Gulliver’s Travels.
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