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Mystic Aquarium Endangered Ecosystems

This grant funds a pilot project that brings the Mystic Aquarium Endangered Ecosystems traveling science class to Guilford High School. The goal of the program is to afford students and opportunity to investigate endangered ecosystems through hands-on experiments, and to teach them how to “think like scientists.” Sarah Sandora – Guilford High School


Learning Through Dance

The Learning Through Dance grant proposes integrating dance and movement into the second grade math curriculum to increase the academic and cognitive development of the students through an innovative, creative, non-traditional approach. This innovative program will reach sixty-two 2nd grade students at Calvin Leete Elementary School. Joyce DiLaura and Diana Harris – Starship Dance Theater


Peer Mentoring

The Peer Mentoring Grant for the Women and Family Life Center funds a pilot peer-mentoring program for boys. The goal of this project is to help both the high school and middle school boys gain leadership and communication skills, build self-esteem, and learn about the importance of caring for self, others, and their community. The long-term goal of this project is to create an ongoing peer-mentoring program that includes boys from 5th-12th grades to provide positive role models for young boys and to instill the skills needed for boys to engage in positive ways with their peers, their school, and their broader community.


The Learning Studio Research Project

The Learning Studio Research Project will take one classroom at Guilford High School and transform its physical space and the way teachers use the space to enhance the way they practice the science and art of teaching. The transformed learning space will be the impetus for further learning – moving the OEclassroom of the future, from a theory conversation to a living experience, and engaging faculty in new thinking about ways to enhance their pedagogy.


Build Healthy Kids

This grant was awarded to Dr. Deborah Kennedy to create a pilot program at the Calvin Leete School called Build Healthy Kids.  The mission of the BHK school program is to bring together the positive nutrition messages children hear and see in their classroom cafeteria, and at home.


Creating Living Laboratories for Citizen Scientists

Awarded to Susan Kennedy to create a bird friendly garden at the Baldwin School u  sing National Audubon Guidelines. The garden and the wildlife it attracts will be used in various academic classes; science, art, English, etc.


End the "R" Word

The End the R Word Campaign is a national campaign to eliminate the harmful use of the words “retard” and “retarded”. The GFFE and the Guilford Foundation jointly awarded grant to Kim Beckett and Jaye Carlson that will help start an annual “End the R Word” campaign at the Guilford High School. Kim Vigliati, Dean of Students at GHS, supported and helped develop the campaign.


Multivariable Calculus - The Taft Summer School

An Apple Grant awarded to Joseph Zipoli (no photo) at Guilford High School to attend a course that focuses on the transition from BC Calculus to more advanced material. Mr. Zipoli sees the need for this as many of his advanced students finish the BC material before the end of the year and have the time to go further. 

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